Custom Artwork
Every participant in a dapp will receive custom artwork representing their participation in a dapp.
How It Works
Artists supply the components and we combine them together to create memorable and personailize artwork. Once supplied, artwork can be generated using one of many strategies. Those strategies include:
Generative Artwork
Combine up to 9 layered custom components (uploaded by you) to create complex, highly unique artwork.
Random Images
Select from one of unlimited preset images (uploaded by you). No combination of images will take place.
Brady Bunching!
Create a nine part mosaic, with (for example), the members of your band in some squares, and your fans in the middle?
Custom Components
Each component has its own unique rarity score, meaning each generated artwork has a different rarity score. Rarity can be used along with QR Codes to offer random prizes based on which components made up a participant’s artwork.
QR Codes on Artwork
Secure QR codes can be printed directly onto artwork, allowing for scan-to-enter, or scan-to-win functionality. Please see the QR Codes feature page for more information.
Selfies on Artwork
Allow fans to automatically add selfies to artwork, making each generated artwork truly personalized.